... interacting and exchanging experiences among the members of the community...
The Digital Agora is a B2B cloud-based platform that seeks for streamlining the access to and adoption of ICT technologies and solutions, thanks to its dedicated functionalities to support Community interactions and Marketplace services.
Panel related to Cloud-based Platform in the context of Machinery and Equipment, Metal Products, Rubber and Plastic Products
Repurposing, adaption and ramp up of production lines require appropriate concepts for the manufacturing technology, the production planning, the workforce utilization and also for the materials used.
Panel related to Manufacturing Simulation, Material Simulation, Robotics and Automation, Supply Chain Simulation in the context of Manufacturing
A supply chain network refers to a network of autonomous or semi-autonomous business units that are involved in various processes and activities to produce goods or services for customers through upstream and downstream links.
Panel related to Supply Chain Simulation in the context of Manufacturing